The Number One Thing You Can Do to Improve Your Vertical Project

The number one thing you can do to improve your vertical project is proper weight training. But not just any weight training.

Developing your vertical project is crucial to many sports like basketball, volleyball, or track and field, and many more volleyball drills This will give you an advantage over pretty much anybody else on the field. Jumping higher, sprinting faster, spiking higher will make you the star player on any team. So how you do it?

To jump higher, you need maximum leg power. An easy volleyball drills way to look at this is power = strength x speed. So to increase your power, you need to increase your strength. The best way to do this is weight training with lunges, squats, and leg presses.

But what you want to do are low reps with high weights. Remember you want lots of power, so you need lots of strength, but you dont want to get so bogged down with lots of reps because this will develop your strength, but it will also slow you down. So low reps, high weight to maximize your ability to develop power.

Develop a routine that you can follow 2 - 3 times a week, with about 48 hrs of rest between your workouts to give your body a chance to recover properly.

As you develop your vertical project further, some things you can add later on skipping workouts, cardio and more plyometrics routines. All of these together will explode your vertical project. Remember, be safe and work out with a friend!

Get the secret to improving your vertical leap project!

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