Gymnastic Apparatus - What You Should Know About the Rope, Hoop and Ball

Fundamental to the sport volleyball drills rhythmic gymnastics is the apparatus. It is better if you have your own set, so that you get used to it and can practice with it regularly, especially as it is an advantage if it is matched in size and weight to your physique.

Probably the easiest to acquire, and in fact the easiest to start work with, are the rope and the hoop, though the most appealing and the one which everyone wants to try is the ribbon.

The Rope

As long as you ensure it has no handles, this can be acquired at a boatyard, or a climbing and outdoor pursuits department volleyball drills a sports shop. For most, a 3 meter length is necessary, preferably a plaited rope, of any synthetic material or hemp, any color, and about 8 millimeters thick.

A small girl will cope with about 2 and a half meter in length and 6 millimeters thick. An easy measure is achieved by standing on the center of the rope and holding the ends which should reach approximately armpit level.

If the rope is too long, or for ease of manipulation, a know may be tied at each end.

The Hoop

The hoop can be bought from a local toy shop. Initially a cheap plastic one is all that is required, of a size reaching approximately hip level when the hoop is stood on the floor at the side of the gymnast.

To give added strength, particularly around the seam, or to give extra weight or just a change of color, many of the gymnasts bind the hoop with colored tape.

The Ball

Because of its weight the ball is really rather special. It is not until you pick up the rhythmic gymnastics ball that you realize how heavy it is, since it appears to be rather light, like a beach or play ball.

Plastic footballs or foam balls can be used initially for practicing some of the basics such as rolling and bouncing but these skills are obviously better achieved with the correct type of ball.

These can be purchased in two different sizes, a normal full size, and a junior size, suitable for children. Otherwise, the nearest and best matched ball is the volleyball which is quite suitable for practice in school

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