How to Jump Higher in Beach Volleyball

Which sport has the best Springer in the world?

Beach volleyball is doing! It is not your typical indoor 6 on 6 volleyball. These athletes can move, there are some who come by, not only in the balls and turn from it. Each player must be able to do anything to pass, serving attitude, and take.

Why they are the best Springer in the world?

Due to the difficulty of jumping out of the sand with the number of times they have directly connected.Let the Olympic player Phil Dalhausser, for example. Everytime he serves the ball, not to serve it a jump. He blocked it for every play, so if he is, he will jump at least twice for this one point. They play the best three games and go to 21, the first 2 and then to 15 in the third. If they all mean pretty close games, that he jumped over 110 times against a team. They play up to 4 teams in a day, 440 springs from deep sand resources and as high as he canany time.

How can I jump higher for beach volleyball?

First you need to work on your leg strength. Do squats and other leg lifts with weights until you sitting comfortably with the 1.5 times your body weight are.

Once you have the power, you will then do plyometric exercises focus. These are fast movements, such as bounding jumps exist in the fields. Try to at least half of your workout in the sand, because that will make themselves better for your game.

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