10 Ways to Easily Help Beat Or Lower Stress

Beating stress isn't always easy as our lives tend to change minute to minute and are getting volleyball drills with various situations letting our stress levels go out of control.

Make Something - Maybe you enjoy scrapbooking or enjoy woodworking projects. Make a bench, a birdhouse, or a shelf and give it away to a friend. Giving to friends tends to bring you great pleasure and in return lowing stress. Whatever your hobby may be find some time to put your hobby in practice and just relax while you do it.

Take A Walk or Drive - Take a stroll through the park or maybe along a creek side. Nature walks are a great way to calm nerves. As you walk or even jog enjoy the sounds of nature and let the breeze take away the stress. Feel free to take a drive and listen to some music.

Do Some Household Chores - I have found that both men and women can do household chores to take stress away fast. It doesn't matter what you are doing just do it. It could be dishes, laundry, sweeping the floors or maybe cleaning the bathroom. Whatever it may be you have the are doing something else other than what was the key factor in your stress.

Read A Book To A Loved One - Reading to your children is calming and very special to them as well. You may have an elderly person in your life that would love to have some quality time with you. Now is the time to take a book along and read it for them.

Go To Church And Fellowship - It's been long said that one of the best ways to lower stress is through the bible. Visit nearby churches and offer to help them in services. Visit with the people and get to know one another.

Snuggle With Your Spouse - Yes, snuggling up on the bed or couch with a spouse is a great idea. You don't need any talking, but if so feel free to open up and talk about the things that make you happy.

Go Play Games With Family Members - Take some time to play games with family members and just have a great time. Play paintball, soccer, volleyball, golf or maybe an indoor card game. If you are playing with children feel free to let them win a few rounds.

Watch A Movie With A Loved One - Pick out your favorite movie and sit down with that special person and watch it together.

Have A Family Picnic - Gather up some food and go have a picnic. Invite family members or just include a spouse. A picnic can be enjoyed at almost anytime with or without others.

Take A Hot Bath - Set some time away for a nice soothing bath. A nice hot bath will help relax you and your body. Stay in it of about 30 minutes and let the warmth relax you.

Now that you have 10 ways to beat stress the next time your stressed put any one of these to use and leave your stress behind!

Author Roger Hicks volleyball drills helping others. For more tips visit http://www.jessandrog.blogspot.com.

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