Learn How to Jump Higher - Finding the Right Jumping Program

Are you a volleyball player, basketball player, or high jumper who has reached a plateau? Are you ready to take your game to the next level? Are you searching for a way to jump higher? Are you getting frustrated by the plethora of information and jumping programs that you have found on the internet? If you are like many people that I talk to, then you have become confused and discouraged by the many jumping programs that promise big but don't deliver.

The purpose of this article is to arm you with a standard to help you recognize the right jumping program when you see it. Instead of getting lost in the mounds of information, you will be able sift through the piles of promises and theories and be able to find the proverbial needle in a hay stack that will help you reach that next level and learn to jump higher.

The key to finding the right jumping program and learn how to jump higher is knowing the scientific principles that will create the stimulus that your body needs to make improvements. volleyball drills the exercises and advice in the world, from those that claim to be experts, is not going to do you a bit of good if they are not tapped in to the methods that are going to be effective. Here are a few of those principles that I have found to be effective with the athletes that I have worked with.

First, to learn how to jump higher, you will need to find a jump training program that takes advantage of the stretch shortening cycle. To put it simply, the stretch shortening cycle is the way the muscles are able to act like springs. You will be able to volleyball drills your muscles to immediately take advantage of the energy that gets stored for a very short period of time when it is stretched. This is why it is important to quickly transition from one jump move to the next.

Secondly, plyometric exercises are the most effective way to train the stretch shortening cycle. They consist of rapidly jumping from one jump to the next with the least amount of time spent on the ground. It is important that a jump training program instruct you in the proper way to use plyometric exercises and in the safest manner.

Finally, to learn how to jump higher, your program should include exercises that require total body movements. These are sometimes referred to as complex or multiple joint movements. Jumping is not an isolated muscle movement. In fact, studies suggest that subjects were able to jump higher and generate more vertical force when using their whole body than the sum of force applied by individual movements. That sort of sounds complicated, I know. Basically what it means is that you can jump higher by using your whole body to create the force necessary to get off of the ground.

You will learn how to jump higher by finding a jump training program that incorporates the principles outlined in this article. It can be a little tricky, but good programs are available.

Learning the best way to jump higher can be tricky. Good professionals have spent many years of research and testing to figure what works for most athletes. I hope that the information in this article has helped you know how to judge the quality of a good jump higher or vertical jumping program.

As a Strength and Conditioning Specialist, I have spent a lot of time evaluating programs and comparing them to the principles and characteristics that have proven to work. Those that include these principles will pretty much guarantee that you are successful with the program that you choose.

It is now up to you to take the steps to improve your vertical leaping ability. Go to the Increase Vertical website and find the "6 Factors to Consider Before You Buy a Jump Higher Program." Now go to http://www.IncreaseVertical.net and get started.

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