How to Jump Higher - Exercises to Improve Your Vertical

Are volleyball drills looking for ways on how to jump higher to increase your volleyball performance? As you are well aware of the fact that volleyball is primarily a sport about jumping. In fact it could almost be said that the higher your jumping abilities are then the better player you will be. This is essential when it comes to playing beach volleyball because it's just the two of you. This article will focus on how to jump higher so that you can increase your volleyball prowess.

Of course the shorter you are the more important it is to have volleyball drills jumping ability. Studies and just good ole common sense would suggest that if you are among the shorter players on your volleyball team then you will get served to more often then not. This fact in turn implies that you will need to be a better then average hitter right? In any case I am presenting a couple of exercises that you can use right now to start increasing your vertical jump.

Exercise #1
The first exercise I recommend for improving your jumping ability is squats. While performing this exercise a lot of leg muscles get involved so that you are strengthening more then one set at a time. You really need to build up to the point where you can squat your own body weight comfortably and then try to go beyond that for explosive increases in vertical.

Exercise #2
You need to start performing a set of exercises consistently known as plyometrics. These exercises will essentially start to train your fast twitch muscles which will allow you to be more explosive. You will perform a lot of jumping exercises while performing plyometrics and for best results you should attempt to do your training in the sand.

That's it a simple set of exercises to get you started down that path of jumping higher and faster. This very basic plan really just involves exercising the same set of muscles in the same way you would when you jump. Like anything else on your body when it is taxed beyond normal it grows stronger.

Another great way to improve your jumping is to practice exploding upward from a seating position in a chair. Why you ask? This very basic exercise will help you train your muscle memory to use a much wider range of motion when jumping then you are accustomed to right now. These two how to jump higher exercises should go a long way to get you started down the path to increasing your vertical.

Instead of just reading about it why not give yourself access to the same resources that the pros and those that have tremendous vertical leaping ability do? Learn more about an online resource that can help you jump higher and therefore improve your sports performance? Click Here to visit the How To Jump Higher website. That's right you may have not been born to fly but you can make up for lost time by Clicking Here

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