How Can I Jump Higher - Get the Answer Today!

In some sports, such as basketball, volleyball and gymnastics, an athlete's jump can make or break his game. If you play in one volleyball drills these sports, you may have been asking yourself 'how can I jump higher?' If you have been asking yourself this question, then it's time to stop asking and start working.

The answer to 'how can I jump higher' has several parts. The first part is figuring out how high you jump now. A simple way to check how high you jump is to take a piece of chalk, and mark a wall as high up as you can reach. Then, standing in front of the wall, jump, and mark it again at the highest point of the jump. The distance between the two marks is how high you jump.

Once you know how high you jump, the next part of the answer is to figure out where volleyball drills jump is weak. A good jump takes a large group of muscles working together. If one of those muscles is weaker then the others, then your jump will be weaker as well. A good jump also takes speed. If you've spent a lot of time building slow twitch muscle, then your muscles won't move quickly enough for all that strength to go into getting you off the floor.

Obviously, the last piece to this jigsaw puzzle is to start working out using exercises to strengthen the areas where you are weak. If your muscles aren't moving fast enough, you need to work on building fast twitch muscle. If your hamstrings are weaker than your glutes, you need to work on strengthening your hamstrings.

Of course, you don't necessarily need to find the answer yourself. There are a lot of athletes out there asking the same question. And because so many people are asking it, several people have started offering answer. Trainers, coaches and pro-athletes have all begun to offer their advice and information to help you learn to increase your vertical leap. A brief search will turn up a large number of training programs available to give you exactly the jump you need.

Why wait? Start today with the best jump training available. Don't spend another day wondering how to improve your jump, instead take a few minutes now to check out The Vertical Project, and get the complete answer to how can I jump higher?

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